2014年9月1日 星期一



The progress towards democracy is the foundation to fortify the rule of law in HK. A spirit of tolerance attuning our differences showcases the strength and capacity of our shared civil society. Should we fail to nail the perfect synthesis between ideals and practicalities, we must still move forward together as‘a bundle of antinomies’. Every effort for democracy will not be a vain struggle, as progress will arc towards broadening participation, and with each and every conscientious vote, Hong Kong Citizens will be participants in building it so.”

Fortify - to build towers, walls etc in order to defend it 鞏固 (振奮/加強)
Nail - to say clearly and publicly which you support 明確表態 
Antinomies - 【哲】二律相悖 (矛盾)
Vain - in vain -without success in spite of your efforts (徒勞)
Conscientious - showing a lot of care and attention 認真的; 細心負責的