2014年1月15日 星期三

swimmingly 順利流暢地

swimmingly 順利流暢地

"Starting with the presidency of Felipe Calderón, from 2006 to 2012, the government lost control over the war on drug cartels and failed to fulfill its part of the social contract. It has been unable to guarantee the safety of its citizens and to implement educational reforms, but it has given politicians carte blanche to earn money through illegal means and to benefit swimmingly from their tolerance of private monopolies. The government has been truly valiant, however, when it comes to assaulting its citizens with more taxes."

(自利佩·卡爾德龍(Felipe Calderón)2006年至2012年擔任總統以來,政府就失去了對打擊販毒集團的行動的控制,沒能履行其社會契約。政府無法保障公民的安全,無法實施教育改革,但卻給予政治人士空頭支票,使其可以通過非法途徑牟利,通過寬容對待私人壟斷而輕易獲益。然而政府在對人民徵收更多賦稅的時候卻十分之雷厲風行)

carte blanche 白紙 / 全權處理(花錢的權力)
give sb carte blanche 授予sb全權處理 [idiom]
We were given carte blanche to redecorate the hotel .   (我們獲授予全權重新裝修酒店。)
It has given politicians carte blanche to earn money through illegal means. (政客被賦予以非法手段謀利利的權力

valiant 勇敢地

